Detention Defense Bond Requests

How a Detention Defense Lawyer can Help With Detention Defense Bond Requests

The United States has a huge number of immigrants who want to become citizens so that they can continue to live and work in the country. Seeking legal immigration can be a time-consuming and difficult process, especially for immigrants who do not have legal representation. Unfortunately, immigrants don’t always have the resources that they need to achieve legal status, which can result in immigrant detention.

At The Berdugo Law Firm, we specialize in immigration services and seek to provide immigrants with the legal resources and assistance they so greatly need. We value diversity and act as advocates for immigrants who have not yet achieved legal status but want to do so. If you have found yourself in detention as an illegal immigrant, our detention defense lawyers can help represent you.


Detention and Removal

Immigration detention is where immigrants are held prior to going through the removal proceedings to send them to their country of origin or where they last resided. There are many situations where an immigrant may be put into detention as a way of securing their presence so that they go through their immigration proceedings or removal. Most often, illegal immigrants are put into detention to ensure they do not flee to try to remain in the U.S.

Immigrants may also be put into detention if they are suspected of having visa violations. This could include falsifying, misrepresenting, or other types of visa violations that would still result in them not having legal status.

Immigrants who go into detention are usually removed from the United States. However, there are rarer situations where a visa may be granted if a valid case is made. The problem that many immigrants face is that they do not receive the same court-appointed counsel that is provided for other legal processes, such as the criminal justice system.

Because immigrants do not get court-appointed counsel, they will often not have any legal representation when they go into immigration court. This significantly reduces their chances of obtaining a visa and gaining legal status in the U.S.

Detention Bond Requests

If you are being held in immigration detention prior to your removal proceedings, you could obtain a detention bond as long as the detention is not mandatory. You can do this by requesting a bond hearing, where a judge will determine whether or not you are eligible for release while your case is resolved.

In many cases, this is a possible option as long as you are not a flight risk, you are not a danger to the public, you have not committed drug crimes, and you have no aggravated felonies.

The judge will also be responsible for determining how much you will have to pay in exchange for your release. You will also need to be prepared to provide evidence that you qualify for a bond when you go to your hearing.

How to Request a Bond Hearing

Bond hearings are completely separate from deportation or removal hearings, and you will only get one chance at your hearing. To request a bond hearing, you can submit a written request to the judge, or you can ask the judge directly when you go to court for one of your other hearings. It is also important to remember that even if you get your bond, your deportation case will continue, and you will still have to show up for your other required hearings.

It is strongly recommended that you hire a detention defense lawyer who can help you request a bond hearing and prepare for it. Your hearing may be initiated very soon after you request it, so you need to be prepared with all of the necessary evidence. If the judge denies your bond, it is very unlikely that you will get a second chance.

A detention defense lawyer can help you understand what evidence you need to provide and how your hearing will proceed. Different types of evidence that can be helpful for your bond hearing include birth certificates or green cards from family members, pay stubs, proof of residence, and support letters from family members, friends, or employers.

Contact a Detention Defense Lawyer at The Berdugo Law Firm

Do you need the help of a detention defense lawyer to make a detention bond request? Contact The Berdugo Law Firm for experienced and compassionate detention defense and bond hearing representation. Contact us today at 323-642-9933 to speak with one of our lawyers in the Downey and Los Angeles areas.